“New Every Morning!”

Preached by Rev. Ed Brouwer at The Gathering Place
Pulpit Series Volume 17 Issue 23 06/04/2007

I know the New Testament provides us with better promises than the Old.

I know Christ will never allow us to be tempted more than we are able to bear.

I know God wants all of His children to enter into the rest of faith and not worry and fret.

I know there is complete victory, joy, and peace to all who rest in His Word. Yet the fact remains that God still permits testing times, in which the soul is permitted to go through a fiery trial - which, according to God's word, is to try us.

God actually allows severe testings in our lives to prove our love for Himself. Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trials which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you I Peter 4:12

All the prophets predicted that saints of God would be tried by fire - just as gold is refined by fire. Jeremiah said, God...shall melt them...and try them... Jeremiah 9:7

Daniel predicted that in the end times, saints would be tried severely to purge them and make them ready Daniel 11:35

Zechariah prophesied the coming of the testing fire to refine them as silver is refined...as gold is tried... Zechariah 13:9

The New Testament suggests that fiery trials are to be accepted - as common to all men.

Even the apostle Paul spoke of being cast down. perplexed and in despair II Corinthians 4:8 Although he sounded a note of victory through all the trials, he did experience despair.

There are times in which you can know in your heart that you are serving God with all that is in you - you are sure of your love for His Word.

You believe all the promises; you know He is faithful and you confess it so; and you know you are willing to do anything God asks of you.

You cannot think of anything standing between you and the Heavenly Father. You know you have prayed in faith, and still you are down. The darkness does not lift.

The burden still presses you down. There is no sign of your prayers being answered. You still cry out, How long, O Lord? How long must this trial go on?

James 5:11 encourages us to consider the suffering of Job.

Here is a righteous man of God, so down he longed for death. He was so crushed by grief and sorrow, he lost his will to live. His sons were taken from him with a sudden cruel blow. He lost his wealth, influence, and his good name. His friends, forsook him and sat as his accusers. Rather than help him, those around him accused him of bringing all the trouble on himself. Not even his own flesh and blood understood what he was going through. No one person really cared.

Looking into the future, all Job could see was pain, tears, loneliness, and emptiness.

There was not one silver lining in all the dark clouds hanging over him. Besides all the battles with being alone in his struggles, a physical infirmity fell upon him. His body also became an enemy. Spiritually, physically, financially-in every way. Job was down.

Job's greatest despair came from a dilemma he could not understand at all. Why is light given to a man whose way is hid, and whom God has hedged in? Job 3:23

Job was actually saying, God, everything is closing in on me; I see no way out - so why do You keep sending me all these promises of deliverance? I've got the message; I see the truth; I know what You are saying - but where is my solution?"

It often happens that a believer's worst trials come right after the most glorious revelation and spiritual growth.

The prophet Jeremiah went through just such a trial. He had hoped for deliverance, but, instead, was cast deeper into the pit of despair. He cried out, He has hedged me about, that I cannot get out; he has made my chain heavy, He has enclosed my ways with cut stone; He has made my path crooked... Lamentations 3:7,9

Keep in mind this is the same Jeremiah whom Christ so often quoted.

How could a prophet of God who thundered against kings and nations fall into such deep turmoil and despair?
He lost his spiritual composure, crying: He has filled me with bitterness and he has removed my soul far from peace... Lamentations 3:15,17

Thank God - there is an answer to all this in the Word. We have here a message of comfort for all who are cast down.

So far, we have focused our attention on the problem. Now, let us consider the way to victory over all despair. We can begin with the prophet we’ve been referring to as our example of suffering, because he also sets the example in faith and hope.

In his very darkest hour, Jeremiah discovered a glorious truth that brought new hope and assurance to his mind. It was something he already knew about God, but it didn't touch his soul until he came to the end of himself.

He discovered that at the very bottom - there was God!

When Jeremiah hit bottom, he bumped into God! He fell hard against the faithfulness of a compassionate God.

Listen to his discovery: God is a God of compassion, His compassions for me cannot fail, they are new every morning, great is His faithfulness Lamentations 3:22,23

Little by little, Jeremiah began to realize some great truths that can only be discovered by those who are down.

Listen to the encouraging words in Lamentations:
God whispers, Do not fear! 3:54-57

God will judge my case 3:44,59

God will uphold me with abundant compassion and love 3:32

God wants my troubles to end! 3:33

God is not against me. 3:34

God is not trying to sabotage my plans; 3:35

God’s mercies are new each morning 3:22, 23

God is always faithful, He’ll do right by me. 3:25,26

God will not cast me off. God will save me 3:25, 26

I will thank Him for His faithfulness!
3:40. 41

I can depend totally on His mercies!
3:18, 20. 21

What it all means is simply this: Get your eyes off your problems and afflictions, remind yourself that God is still faithful, His compassion and tender love is yours for the taking.

Rebuke your unbelief and say to your soul, Wait just one minute - God is still God! He is still on His throne, hearing and answering prayer. God is going to act on my behalf not one minute too soon or too late.. He is not trying to hurt me; He loves me. God is overflowing with love toward me; He cares about me. Right now, even though I am down and hurting, He is not far off. He sees every move I make; He bottles every tear; He will take quick action and do what must be done - on time!

God is bigger than your problem! God is too holy to fail you. His promises have not and cannot fail. So you can quietly wait on Him to bring you out into a safe place. Until then, He is with you in the darkest hour. You are not alone - He has promised to never leave or forsake you! In your sorrow - He will comfort you! Even in death - He will not forsake you!

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